"Good Eating" Guidelines1. EAT GOOD SIZED BREAKFAST, MODERATE LUNCH, LIGHT & EARLY SUPPER. Helps with appetite and weight control, as well as reduced temptation to snack. Breakfast improves concentration and reaction time in mid-morning; light suppers encourage higher quality sleep, improved breakfast appetite and lower heart attack and stroke risk. | |
2. EAT SLOWLY enough (by chewing thoroughly) to give the body time to tell you it's "full". 3. ALWAYS HEED IMMEDIATELY THE INTERNAL "VOICE" when it first provides you the "satisfaction alert." Beware of over-riding this message. 4. EAT MEALS AS CLOSE TO THE SAME TIME EACH DAY as reasonably possible, since the body is better prepared for digestive labor at the times it is accustomed to being fed. | |
5. AVOID SNACKING to help keep teeth and digestive tract healthy, weight at proper level, and a keen appetite for the next meal. (Breath improvement too!) 6. LIMIT SWEETS to only occasionally, in small amounts and only with a meal. Leave room for dessert - don't MAKE room for it. "Satiety over-ride" is dangerous business. Artificial sweeteners may not help weight control at all since some scientific evidence suggests that it stimulates fat storage just the same as does "real" sugar. 7. EAT WHOLE GRAIN PRODUCTS rather than refined products. BREAD should have the first ingredient "WHOLE" wheat - simply "wheat flour" will not do since it just means "white" flour which came from wheat. CEREAL should also state "WHOLE" to describe the first grain in the ingredient list - look for whole wheat or whole oats or whole corn or whole rye or whole rice. Otherwise, you only get the starchy part of the grain kernel and miss the nutritious bran and germ. Same goes for crackers and chips. | |
8. EAT FRUIT RATHER THAN DRINK IT to gain greater fullness and maximize nutrients and fiber intake. 9. DRINK 10 GLASSES OF WATER (or more) each day. Moderately hot water stimulates appetite (good before a meal); cold water diminishes appetite (good when needing to resist the urge to eat between meals). Hint: do not wait until evening to catch up on hydration - sleep is important too, if you get the point! 10. EAT THE RECOMMENDED VARIETY AND AMOUNTS of fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes in order to achieve a high carbohydrate (complex-type) diet. [See Food Pyramid] These foods actually increase metabolism. 11. AVOID STIMULANTS since evidence suggests that caffeine increases fat storage and tea (non-herbal) renders much of our the iron we eat un-absorbable at the intestinal level. | |
12. AVOID OR STRICTLY LIMIT TELEVISION viewing, if you want to keep weight and cholesterol at proper levels, and you want to achieve balanced decision making which is independent of undue emotional influence. 13. AVOID ALCOHOL since it is second only to fat when it comes to calorie concentration and it reduces clarity of judgment and our ability to maintain self control and resolve. REMEMBER: fresh grapes and their juice provide the same heart-healthy benefits ascribed to fermented products and without all the disease, accident and relationship risks. 14. LIMIT FAT CONSUMPTION since it has the highest calorie concentration of all food stuffs. Excessive fat intake is implicated in many diseases such as cancer, diabetes, obesity and heart disease. |
a. Use fat-reduced milk products, such as non-fat and low-fat milk, and fat reduced sour cream and cheeses (cheese figures into the meat limit for the day - see below).b. Limit meat, poultry and fish to 3-5 ounces per day; select the lowest fat forms of these protein foods you can get. (Animal protein can be eliminated from diet rather easily with excellent health results and reduced grocery expense.) c. Avoid fried foods. d. Limit margarine, oils, dressing. e. Do not eliminate nuts - these have special benefits for the heart - but limit to about 1 small handful per day. |
15. EXERCISE WITHIN DOCTOR'S LIMITS - 5 days (or more) per week is best. Improves quality of rest, circulation and appetite "accuracy" (truer feedback from the brain's "satiety center" regarding hunger); increases metabolism; burns calories; lowers or maintains proper blood levels of : cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose; increases iron (hemoglobin) levels, if low; improves endurance as well as mental and emotional health; strengthens bones and MUCH MORE. 16. PREPARE FOR SPIRITUAL BATTLE with scripture weapons: John 4:34; 1 Corinthians 9:25 and 10:31; Romans 12:1 and 16:18; Jude 24; Job 23:12; Philippians 3:19; 2 Peter 1:3,4; Proverbs 13:25 and 23:2 and 30:8,9; Matthew 4:4 and 5:29, 30 and 6:25; Psalms 107:17-22; 1 Peter 2:11. Healthy Eating Guidelines Create A Balanced Healthy DietHealthy Eating For A Healthier and Happier LifeHow can healthy eating make you happy? Well, it’s simple. When we areeating right, we feel healthy mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually – that’s happiness! We are able to have a happier life through ahealthier eating lifestyle. Providing the body with adequate nutrition will change your whole outlook on life. Eating good foods will provide you with energy to get you through the day without feeling groggy and tired. It is all up to you to decide to become the healthy person you were meant to be. What Can You Do To Live The Healthy Eating Lifestyle? The first thing you can do is become more informed about what eating healthy really means. Eating healthy is not dieting and becoming thin as a rail; it is not becoming a vegetarian; it is not piling up on vitamin supplements; and it is not only eating one or two food groups. Although doing these things does not mean you are not healthy. It means you are restricting yourself from understanding what eating healthy really means. Eating good means to enjoy the food you do eat. Choosing healthy eating plans does not mean choosing bad tasting food. It means getting your taste buds used to eating fresher, organic, cleaner, and safer foods for you and your family. You certainly do not have to stop enjoying some of the foods you love. Start by making one small but positive change in the way you are eating now. There is no hurry. Do not overburden yourself with too much at one time. As you read, take down notes so you will remember what healthy change you can make for next week. You are your best friend when it comes to your health. Be good to yourself. Healthy Eating Means Healthy Organs Why do we see so many positive changes and benefits from eating healthy? Eating healthy works, that’s why! Your body is a living organism that requires nutrition to do its job and to stay alive. The heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and all of the other bodily organs absolutely need healthy foods to keep them functioning at optimal levels. When you get sick, run down, or diseased it is because your body is missing vital nutrition to keep it running smoothly. Although your organs have different functions, they all work together for total health and mind fitness. Healthy Eating Means Positive Changes and Benefits Results are almost immediate! After one week of doing something different in your diet you will notice a positive change. Maybe you lost a couple of pounds. Maybe you aren’t as tired. Or perhaps your headaches have gone away. Simple health goals such as not eating processed sugars, eliminating soda pop from the diet, or switching over to organic foods will show remarkable benefits in as little as one week. Just think about how good you will feel after one month! Remember, this in your quest to a healthier you. Do not let yourself become overwhelmed with all of the information you read. This website has everything you will need to get you started on the path to wellness. There is lots of valuable information regarding common sensehealthy diet plans, healthy eating tips, and much more right now at your fingertips. Take the path to a healthier and happier life! Healthy Food Tips Make Eating to Lose Weight EasyTo the understanding of many, healthy eating guidelines refer to dietinginstead of healthy eating. However, there is a large difference between the two. In general there are some people eating food who think this way believe that if you are dieting then you are definitely eating healthy. This can not be further from the truth. They typically do not have a daily healthy eating plan. I personally believe that eating healthy is much healthier and better thandieting. If you follow healthy eating guidelines, your body will be given the best food resources available. Choosing healthy foods to eat will be a long term goal. Nutritionally, your body will be in the best health it can be in. Throughout the day, every bodily function will be able to perform with increased strength and power. This does not mean that I am condemning dieting. Webster dictionary says that diet is “the food and drink regularly consumed“.Diets have become an essential part of our modern day lifestyle. In a large part this is the result of all the rushing around and running around that we find ourselves having to do. Due to this type of lifestyle, we need to keep our bodies working at their optimum level. Following a healthy diet will give us the reserves to do just that as we become more familiar with the facts about healthy eating. On the other hand, if you were to adopt a particular diet that doesn’t feed the body what it needs, you will feel a lack of energy and a bit more run down as you go through your day. Healthy Eating Guidelines Involves Choosing Healthy Foods to EatAll of us need to remember why we eat the types of food we do. Of course we eat because we’re hungry. However our choices should be made in order to keep our bodies in the best working condition they can be in. This isn’t always easy with our rushed lifestyles. It is a good practice to plan what we will eat and where we will get what we eat ahead of time. Variety in the foods we eat help to give us the best overall nutrition. This doesn’t mean donuts and coffee for breakfast, a pizza and soda for lunch, and finally polishing it off with hotdogs and ice cream for dinner. That’s a variety, but not the right kind. Consistently eating this type of diet will, in the long term, eventually produce illness and disease due to not getting the right kinds of nutrients in our food. Good eating guidelines will help us choose the right variety of foods. Foods that will be in the right amounts and portions. These will be foods consisting of goodcomplex carbohydrates, protein foods, fats, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. This will ensure a strong, healthy body and weight loss easier. Many askwhy is nutrition important? Living proof of a healthy body will answer this. Healthy Eating Guidelines: People Drinking Water A very important part of eating healthfully is the amount and kind of fluid we drink. It is recommended that we drink no less than eight glasses of water per day. The human body is roughly composed of 70% water and other types of fluid. Therefore, it is very important to remain hydrated throughout the day. Water is the best fluid to consume. This can be supplemented with various fruit juices. There are an abundance of different choices you can make when it comes to drinking fluids. The shelves in grocery stores are stocked full of various juices, power drinks, diet drinks, and alcoholic beverages, just to name a few groups. There are even a variety of different flavored waters available. However, there are some drinks that do the opposite of the intended result. In other words, there are drinks that dehydrate the body instead of hydrate it. Drinks such as alcoholic beverages, coffee and sodas all dehydrate the body. So you need to be careful of drinking too many of these kinds of beverages. A dehydrated body won’t function as well as a properly hydrated one. Healthy Eating Guidelines: Home Fitness And Exercise EquipmentExercise should be included. Healthy eating and exercise go hand in hand. They both will help keep the body strong inside and outside. Of course you can always join a gym. However, there are so many types of exercise equipment available that it's just as easy working out at home. Exercise to be physically fit, but always remember... If you are ever looking at a way of eating that doesn’t involve exercise, don’t follow through with it. The benefits of both will make you much happier. So eat healthy foods, develop healthy lifestyles and get plenty of exercise. Articles about healthy eating guidelines. Cultivate Healthy Eating Habits Develop healthy eating habits to reach a life full of health and vitality! Don't allow chronic disease a foot hold in your life! Optimizing Balanced Health And Fitness Balanced health and fitness are the keys to living life to it's fullest. Health Diet Fitness Health Diet Fitness: The essentials of everyday life that encourage longevity. Healthy Holiday Eating Working in some healthy holiday eating will help you feel less guilty when the season is over. Healthy Eating Guide A healthy eating guide will help keep you on the straight and narrow. Find out how to develop one. Healthy Eating Advice A lot of people can offer advice on how to eat. However, good healthy eating advice will stand out by giving you the favorable results you desire. Healthy Eating On A Budget Instead of spending more money at the grocery store, healthy eating on a budget will help you spend less. Importance Of Eating Healthy The importance of eating healthy is paramount to your life. Calcium Foods There are many types of calcium foods people aren't aware of. Learn what sources are rich in calcium. Healthy Diet and Healthy Eating Healthy diet and healthy eating have different meanings to different people. Free Guide To Eating Healthy Would you like a free guide to eating healthy? Then read this article. Eating Food Guide Healthy What is an eating food guide healthy? It is a way of eating that guides you to total health. Australian Guide To Healthy Eating The Australian guide to healthy eating came out in 1998 and is based on the main food groups we are all familiar with, but has a few changes. See how this compares to healthy eating guidelines. Healthy Eating Activities Healthy eating activities involve good eating habits. However, more than they go beyond just good eating habits. Find out more here. The Calorie Calculator and Dieting When you diet, do you use the online calorie calculator to determine how many calories you can eat in a day? Find out the best time to use it and when not to use it. Learn more here. Eating Fast Food Healthy Eating fast food healthy? What is that? Is there really such a thing as eating fast food and being healthy too? Fast food is usually loaded with lots of calories and fats. Read here and learn more about this topic under healthy eating guidelines. Food Pyramid Healthy Eating Guidelines Are you eating the right foods? The food pyramid healthy eating is a food guideline showing us what foods to eat and how much of each food we should eat. But the pyramid... Healthy Eating Foods Eat your vegetables! That’s what mom always said. Healthy eating foods are literally about eating your vegetables in all their different colors, sizes, shapes, and textures. Was mom right about... Easy Healthy Eating Healthy eating should be easy, right? Well, that’s where easy healthy eating comes in. Some of the healthiest foods on the planet are the easiest to prepare. For instance, take beans and corn bread. Facts About Healthy Eating Many facts about healthy eating would amaze you! There are several healthy eating facts that are so confusing that people aren’t sure of what to eat and what not to eat. All of this confusion can get frustrating to say the least. Healthy Eating For Men When talking about healthy eating for men, there are some healthy eating guidelines you should follow. This starts out with a list of healthy foods and a good exercise regime. Sticking to a good healthy diet program and living a stress free lifestyle as much as possible, is heart... Healthy Eating For Seniors Healthy eating for seniors calorie-wise is about 1,900 to 2,200 calories a day for a man in his sixties, and about 1,500 to 1,800 calories or less for a woman in her sixties. Metabolism slows... Foods To Avoid High Cholesterol The foods to avoid high cholesterol are mainly found in animal fats, such as meat and dairy products. The truth is only about 10% of your total fat calories should come from saturated fats. Your Eating Guidelines Enough about our eating guidelines. Go to healthy eating guidelines 2 to share some of your own or read about what some others visiting this page have shared. Purpose To help students become healthy eating role models by identifying, classifying, and choosing a more healthful diet.
PreparationPrint out the pictures in Smart Choices (PDF). Prepare a bulletin board chart with the days of the week down the side and the food group pictures (fruits, vegetables, calcium, grains, meat) across the top (see below). Then, set the "Healthy Snacks" picture aside.
ProcedurePlay the Healthy Snacks song for the class. Have the students listen carefully for the names of foods in the lyrics. As they name each one, point to the appropriate item in the "Healthy Snacks" picture: apple, crackers and cheese, banana, celery, popcorn, soup, orange, granola, peanut butter, oatmeal, milk, and juice. Determine where each snack fits in the Smart Choice Food Groups. For example, "popcorn" fits under "Make Your Grains Whole" and "banana" fits under "Focus on Fruits." Have students discuss where "soup" might fit: "Vary Your Veggies" for vegetable soup or "Eat Meat, Fish, Nuts, and Beans" for chicken noodle. Once you have classified all of the snacks, have students discuss where some of the things they have eaten today fit within the food groups. Each day, have students talk about what they have eaten and where each item fits on the bulletin board. By placing checkmarks in the correct column for each child or writing down the names of foods, you soon will be able to help students analyze their classroom chart:
Optional Procedure: Share this bulletin board and the children's analysis at a teacher-parent meeting and distribute information to parents from the Resources section below. Teaching Note: If you laminate copies of the "Smart Choices" pictures, students can use them in small groups for matching or classification games. |
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